KMOP is one of the oldest Greek NGOs with more than 40 years of accumulated experience in the provision of services to disadvantaged groups. KMOP’s objectives include: stimulating the integration and active participation of disadvantaged groups; combating social exclusion and promoting social cohesion and equality; enhancing the wellbeing of vulnerable groups in a sustainable manner by strengthening their capacities and increasing their access to resources; and raising awareness on social policy issues.

In its effort to meet the above objectives, KMOP has developed over the years a number of small and large scale actions and interventions pertaining to social welfare and health, employability and human rights protection focusing on the prevention of multifaceted violence (gender based violence, hate speech), different forms of intolerance (racism, xenophobia), the combat of trafficking and the protection of victims’ rights etc., scientific research and the development of know-how in social policy issues.

Apart from direct provision of services through decentralised community based facilities (Three Group Houses and one Day Care Centre for mentally ill as well as counseling centers in various towns), KMOP is actively involved in both national and EU/international projects addressing social issues particularly focusing on low-skilled youth and long term unemployed, victims of violence and trafficking, disabled, elderly, migrants and minorities, and brings to the partnership significant technical capacity in the design and implementation of more than 100 national and EU/international projects and initiatives.


75, Skoufa str.
Athens 10680
